PENTICTON CONCERT BAND is pleased to announce our Spring Concert:
‘Journey into the Elements’ on May 7th.
From upbeat and celebratory marches to renaissance music and pop hits, there is sure to be something for all the music lovers in the audience. This concert title pays homage to one of the pieces titled “Elements”, by one of the composers the band really enjoys playing, Brian Balmages. This beautiful piece is made up of four exciting and breathtaking movements representing Air, Water, Earth and Fire. John Mackey composed another unique piece in this concert: ‘Foundry’, an imaginative and fascinating percussion-focused piece that will show the audience that ordinary objects can serve the purpose of a percussion instrument. What ‘instruments’ might we be playing in this piece? As an interesting side note, this concert which will feature pieces by six composers from around the world all named John! Did you know? Our band has recently grown, having welcomed dedicated and talented high school-aged musicians. We can truly say the band spans all ages, from 13 to 85; we are proud to be such a true musical community! We look forward to playing our brand new music for you.
Spring Concert: “Journey into the Elements”
A 2 hour show of a variety of musical pieces by The Penticton Concert Band
Concordia Lutheran Church
2800 South Main Street, Penticton (at S. Main and Green Ave)
Time of Concert:
Tuesday May 7 at 7:00 pm
Tickets available at the door.
$20 for adults
$5 for youth
Info: Facebook