November 17, 2018 Admin

NEXT CONCERT: Tuesday, December 18 2018 – Heyra

This is a year our approach to an original performance night is so unique that the title for it came to us as an exotic sounding word from a foreign language spoken thousands of miles away. “Heyra” is a word found in the Icelandic language which translated into English means “To Hear” or simply “Hear”. Music is a creative form of expression based on our sense of hearing. It is also an art that is attributed to creative interpretation. As part of this concert, we chose to re-familiarize music as a sense of foreign language. This is something we really would like you to enjoy as your own personal revelation and wish for you to experience throughout the evening. We are extremely excited and are looking forward to performing music for you on December 18th. As part of Christmas already dwelling within our minds and hearts, let us celebrate the end of the 2018 as another year draws to a close.

Penticton United Church
696 Main Street, Penticton

Time of Concert:
Tuesday December 18th
7:00 pm

$15 for adults
$5 for youth


(250) 492-2684 for ticket information